Sunday 12 October 2014

Even When I Cry !!!

Even When I Cry !!!

Life is battle after battles, in the midst of it we tend to lose hope, get broken and cry but when you pick yourself up, move on with courage and faith to triumph, and wipe away your tears of pain and agony determined to turn it to tears of joy and victory, you undoubtedly become a champion.
One of the seal i have chosen to put on my mind, shouts loud ‘Cry if you want to but even when you cry, don’t lose the strength to combat, overcome and laugh’. Many times i cry in the corner of my room but this is where I get the strength to progress, when I cry, the veil over my sight disappears and the power to visualize better is restored to me. The moments i cry spark the beginning of reinvention for me, it is the opening of a new chapter for clearer visualization and energy to pursue, overtake and acquire. When i cry, my blocked head is re-opened to meditate on how bright, blissful and promising my future is, my crying moment is an awakening moment.

Never cry to break yourself down, cry to wake yourself up from your longtime slumber. I do believe if life is all about laughing, then people will have no reason to think of the consequence of their actions, when we are aware of the outcomes of our decisions, actions and attitudes towards life, we do everything we can to appreciate our happiness and joy, when we mistakenly lose it, we fight hard to get it back because it is the medicine that heals our soul.

We get our greatest joy from been fulfilled, and our fulfillment comes from the activities of our everyday life, man do not need the biggest things in life to be fulfilled, it comes from those simple things that happens to us every minutes of our lives. The simple truth is that, when the small things we don’t pay attention to on daily basis fails, then we realize their importance to our happiness and fulfillment. I can’t forget how happy and fulfilled I was on a day when i was very late to catch a bus to where I have an important meeting, and the connecting bus to the place will come in another 8 minutes, i became terribly worried because i have 14 minutes to catch up with the main bus, i said to myself, it’s time to run, i ran for several kilometers, my heart pumped really hard and my whole system was heated, i wanted to stop at some point but i said to myself don’t give up. I got there exactly at the time the bus had shut the door to go, fortunately for me the driver saw me 30 meters away, waited for me and when i got to my sit, i had great joy and the sweat of fulfillment was all over me. One lesson I learnt from that day’s experience is that ‘whatever hopeless situation I find myself that causes me to cry, even when i cry I will not lose the strength to fight, pursue and achieve my vision and dreams because i know somewhere somehow there are supernatural forces aiding my movement because they see i don’t give up but keep trying’. Keep to your mind this portion of the Bible, Deut. 31:8 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

When sorrow fades the night, joy comes in the morning; make this your motto, it is a good way to approach life. There are situations in life that gives you terrible hard knock, you scream and cry loud, your strength is drained because no one is ready to give a helping hand, your vision becomes tainted and hope of your dreams coming true becomes dark and then you cry and cry again, hear this, your dark hour will soon fade away because the bright shining light will soon catch up with it, stay hopeful because there is never a hopeless situation.

I have come to an understanding why God created the day and night placing the sun and the moon to govern over them respectively, He knows that after a glowing period in our lives, there will be a temporal dark hours which will disappear and there comes another bright and shining season. Yesterday might leave ugly pictures on your mind, today has come to deliver to you a painting of hope, excitement and fulfillment, be rest assured that tomorrow is an unending movie of great success, surprises and sweetness.

Let your hope be to laugh as much as you may cry, it’s a way to keep you going and make you have a balanced life. Show love to people and have the courage to accept people’s show of love towards you. I recently begin to assume that people i perceive to hate or dislike me don’t really do but they love and like me but do not know how to express it, it’s a stylish way to have peace in one’s life and kick away animosity and live in harmony with others. Life is too short to cry over rejection from people, live a life that adds value to others and you will create a nice odour of acceptance that will attract people towards you.

You can’t afford to lead small life, argue over small things, leave your life in someone else’s hand and even cry over small hurts, and when you cry let it be over things that really matter and worth it. Life is always ready to knock you down, if you let little trials break you down, how do you expect to live when the bigger ones arise, it’s a hard knock life here and you have the unbelievable strength and energy to rise and soar after every hit and blow, you are invincible.

 Mike Murdock “When you delay your battle, you delay your rewards”. The longer you stay crying and get immersed in self-pity, the later your reward comes. Say this always ‘even when I cry because of my failures and pains, i will not lose hope or use up the strength to fight again and again until i overcome and cry out the tears of joy’. I say often to myself, if i cry now because i failed and fall, nothing will hinder me from rising and having great success to have my cry of joy.

As you proceed in life, promise yourself to laugh as much or more than you cry, stay fulfilled!

God Loves  You
Ogundipe Clement Shola

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