Sunday 29 June 2014

8 Doses For Fulfillment!

                   8 Doses For Fulfillment!

Romans 12:
10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

The pursuit of man is to be happy and to have fulfillment in every part of their life, for humanity to experience fulfillment in life, we have to anchor our lives daily on eight doses for fulfillment which i was able to dug out from Romans 12: 10 – 13. Let’s quickly check and digest these 8 doses for fulfillment.

Devotion to one another in Love:
The greatest of all commandments in the bible is that you should love God and love your neighbor as yourself. Love is something that people should set as their watchword throughout their stay on this particular planet because this is what God used as the foundation of the Earth, there was peace, joy, happiness on earth and there was never hatred, animosity, sorrow and pain before the first man messed everything with disobedience, we lost everything and began the pursuit of peace and happiness that we had freely on platter of gold.

God is devotedly in love with us even when we mess up, He only rebukes us when we fumble and pamper us when we turn back to Him. We can see a replica of this in the true mothers care for their children, mothers see to the welfare of their children till the time when their eyes are shut and their body becomes cold, then the children honors her by weeping, put flowers on her tomb, tell of the great impact she had on their lives and above all celebrate her departure even though they will miss her forever.  How lovely would it be and peaceful the world would be if everyone in the world could demonstrate this kind of precious love towards one another and remember that we came from the same root and of the same origin.Humans around the world are like branches of a tree that sprout towards different direction, if plucked and replanted, it would form another big tree with several branches sprouting out and the process repeats itself, this is the mystery behind our widespread across the face of the earth. We are one! Honor one another above yourself:

Every man carries a degree of selfishness in them and this is why you find it naturally impossible for you think first of others’ condition and situation in every matter that involves you. It takes real discipline to set other people above you, our fear is that people will take you for granted and are ready to see you as a rag that they can rub all kind of mess on because you put them first before you. It’s really a difficult thing to honor people above yourself, if you are unsure of others doing the same to you. We all have ego and are ready to display our pride anytime anywhere if situation permits us. If we all can chose to honor one another above ourselves, hence we would be able to offer to humanity a greater service than right about now. Selflessness applied wisely and rightly by all in situations is an assurance of greater service to humanity and guaranteed peace and fruitfulness on earth.

Never be lacking in zeal:
“To achieve any worthwhile goal and to actualize your visions and dreams, it requires an enthusiastic devotion and tireless diligence. So many things may arise to make you deviate from your plans and focus towards achievement of set goals, you need that insurmountable energy to go on, and you must fire on until fulfillment. Stay steady, keep your head up, and don’t bow to agents of limitation”.

Whatever positive and worthy thing your hands find doing, don’t drop it even when it’s hot, time and your never wimp out spirit will eventually cool it off. Keep a burning zeal!

Keep your spiritual Fervor and serve the Lord:
I have acknowledge the fact that we are all spiritual beings, we exist in two worlds, the spiritual and the physical, the physical world is the one we feel we should only react to but there is something every man needs to place at the back of their mind, that every single thing that surfaces in the physical have already manifested in the spiritual. The physical is a by-product of the spiritual and this is a reason for you stay spiritually conscious to be fulfilled in life.

Sunday 15 June 2014

So many things were wrong!

So many things were wrong!

As long as the world shall last there will be wrongs, and if no man objected and no man rebelled, those wrongs would last forever.
---Clarence Darrow

It is the eternal struggle between these two principles - right and wrong. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time and will ever continue to struggle. It is the same spirit that says, "You work and toil and earn bread, and I'll eat it."
---Abraham Lincoln

That's what it takes to be a hero, a little gem of innocence inside you that makes you want to believe that there still exists a right and wrong, that decency will somehow triumph in the end
---Lise Hand

Before the kick-start of life on Earth, so many things were wrong, God right them. Checking through my bible, there is a particular portion which I have read many times but it never occurred to me what in this verses God wanted man to see and understand. Let’s quickly look at this wonder portion of the bible Genesis 1: 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was[a] on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters”, the following verses in Genesis talked about the steps and actions God put to play to right the wrongs that existed before the beginning of Life on Earth.

The earth was formless, empty and darkness was everywhere. I want you to cast your mind to that time and imagine how the picture of the then would be, i assume you would say this is absolutely terrifying. Something similar to this is like a small dark room with cracked walls, empty with a swampy floor; life for man in such condition will be very horrible and frustrating. This is what God saw and He immediately took care of, because He knew the earth is a would-be abode for man whom He created in His own image and likeness.

If you look through the history of creation, it was accounted that God created the light which He separated from darkness, He made the land to appear and gathered the water to a spot, He filled the earth with vegetation and animals, and finally the super YOU to continue in setting wrong right. He pronounce to man to subdue the earth, this is why you have to take dominion over your situations and not otherwise because you carry God’s DNA.

Something proves the need for you to take charge and right the wrongs around you and in you. Don’t forget that darkness was not chased out totally in the creation of the earth, a need for man to put light wherever darkness choose to be. Right now, i do not want you to focus on the light we get through electricity but the light within you which is required to chase out the darkness that has clouded your inner man. You have may had so many things that trouble your inner man which you have struggled with for almost the entire time of your life until now. Individually the list of things man struggles with differs, few of the wrongs you may have found in your life and willing to right might be among the few i will mention, some of these are anger, dishonesty, envy, greed, selfishness, deceit, low self-esteem, fear, pride, covetousness, hatred, laziness, and many more, take deep search into your life, i am so sure you have got your own sincere list of this wrongs you have contended with for a very good part of your life.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Lost In A Frustrated World

Lost In A Frustrated World

"God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well."

We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever; the goal is to create something that will.
--- Chuck Palahnuik

The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.
--- Don Williams Jnr.

The most exhilarating and unmasking time for me, has always been whenever i am in the midst of so many people. I have always made sure that even when i am soaked in my personal activities that gave me an opportunity to be in such gathering, i don’t miss my tap on the actions and attitude of people around me, because this gives me a shot on how people individually see, accept and celebrate life to a certain degree.

Every time i jump on the bus is an opportunity to see different people and some of the several activities that is aligned to make the world go on rolling. The appearance and the mood of people easily tell the fierceness of war or apparent peace going on, on their mind.

On a particular day, i was in the bus on my way back from work, few bus-stops later, two ladies boarded the bus and were dressed in clothes that had several inscriptions on it and even the bag they had with them carry several scary writings. All the writings were awful, one of the writings that caught my attention and left me dumbfounded is the one that says ‘The world burns to death’.

I knew these ladies must belong to some kind of spiritual sect, where devilish ideas are dished to them, i could see them smiling but i want to believe they already see themselves and every other persons that subscribes to their practices and understanding about life as those ones ‘lost in a frustrated world’. And according to the writing ‘the world burns to death’ which they believe in, i see it as a solid expression, that they are also burning away as the world burns to death. They have come to a conclusion that they are already in hell, they now enjoy the burning flame of their assumed hell where evil things have dominion. I assumed people like this have no hope of a better, peaceful and godly life.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Fashioned To Standout!!!

Fashioned To Standout!!!

“Each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life and here to make a contribution.” 
Deepak Chopra

“We are sun and moon, dear friend; we are sea and land. It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is: each the other's opposite and complement.”
---Hermann Hesse

“Insist on yourself; never imitate. Your own gift you can offer with the cumulative force of a whole life's cultivation, but of the adopted talent of another, you have only an extemporaneous, half possession.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

The world’s population is far above 7 billion, as many kiss the world goodbye, so do many open the door to life so they could make the Earth their abode, but here now, is you and I on the planet living till the day of our last breath. One truth that stares at every man in the face but some still fail to realize is the peculiarity of you and I among the numerous men on the Earth.

Sometimes ago, i was thinking about my family and suddenly the thoughts of the kind of personality my elder ones possessed splashed my mind. I as the last child of our parents and been far younger than all my sibling gave me a privilege to consider the ways of my elder sibling, it does amaze me the wisdom, courage, intelligence, kindness, generosity, endurance, spiritual consciousness, trustworthiness, and many other virtues they have as attribute on different level, but I must say I have also seen faults in them that puzzle me. I have learnt from their ways but i have to live my life too and prove that i am fit for this life, it dazes me, the countless mistakes and failures i have had but i have been also grateful for it because above all, i have had some level of achievements and fulfillment in every area of my life. I have been able to see that every individual of my nuclear family stands out, because each one of us have had different experience as regards every sphere of life, possesses unlike personality and have diverse story to tell even though we were from the same womb and of the same father but we complement each other to make the family, a beautiful and interesting one.

The beautiful days that would remain in my memory till i pass away, are the days when every member of my family are able to gather together in our home, then everyone talks about things that happened to them and current situations in each one’s life, we laugh and we cry when we need to, we bless those who do well to anyone of us and we show dislike for the actions of those that did wrong to us, we cuddle each other, settle our misunderstandings, wine and dine, and above all, we sing at the top of our voices because everyone could sing well and lastly we pray. Our parent blesses us and we look forward to another time like this because it makes us feel refreshed and equipped for the future.