Sunday 8 June 2014

Lost In A Frustrated World

Lost In A Frustrated World

"God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well."

We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever; the goal is to create something that will.
--- Chuck Palahnuik

The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.
--- Don Williams Jnr.

The most exhilarating and unmasking time for me, has always been whenever i am in the midst of so many people. I have always made sure that even when i am soaked in my personal activities that gave me an opportunity to be in such gathering, i don’t miss my tap on the actions and attitude of people around me, because this gives me a shot on how people individually see, accept and celebrate life to a certain degree.

Every time i jump on the bus is an opportunity to see different people and some of the several activities that is aligned to make the world go on rolling. The appearance and the mood of people easily tell the fierceness of war or apparent peace going on, on their mind.

On a particular day, i was in the bus on my way back from work, few bus-stops later, two ladies boarded the bus and were dressed in clothes that had several inscriptions on it and even the bag they had with them carry several scary writings. All the writings were awful, one of the writings that caught my attention and left me dumbfounded is the one that says ‘The world burns to death’.

I knew these ladies must belong to some kind of spiritual sect, where devilish ideas are dished to them, i could see them smiling but i want to believe they already see themselves and every other persons that subscribes to their practices and understanding about life as those ones ‘lost in a frustrated world’. And according to the writing ‘the world burns to death’ which they believe in, i see it as a solid expression, that they are also burning away as the world burns to death. They have come to a conclusion that they are already in hell, they now enjoy the burning flame of their assumed hell where evil things have dominion. I assumed people like this have no hope of a better, peaceful and godly life.

It is very painful to see that the frustrations exerted from the hurdles and imbalance in life has blindfolded people and they have completely forgotten the promise of God for those who cling to Him and key into His plans and purpose for people of the earth. The plan of God for man is of good and not of evil; He assures everyone an expected end (happy and peaceful).

God gave man life and surrounded us with everything that we may ever desire; He gave man the wisdom and ability to create everything we may ever envision so that our life will experience no hardship.
Man has ignorantly allowed Satan to pollute and corrupt our minds, and this is why our mind can easily imagine evil inventions and think of evil towards our fellow brethren. We are the cause of every problem that we face in the world but no one is ready to take responsibility. Until man is ready to take responsibility for his actions and resolve to make amendment, life will continue to lose its taste.

One thing is certain, we are all mortals and there is no single man on earth that would live forever. None of us has come here to stay forever; we are here to stay for a while but to impact the world positively, leave our influence on the sand of the earth and soft touch on the heart of the ones that remain here when we pass away.
The purpose of man on earth is not to live forever but do worthwhile and positive things that will remain in history as long as the earth doesn't cease to be. We are not here to break each other’s neck, we are here to love and care for each other. We are to stay as one, never to be disunited; our pursuit is to pull each other up and not push one another down.
It will do us no good when we curse one another, we should bless each other. Put it upon your mind that you will shine light on wherever darkness exist, not in any way putting out light for darkness to have a place.

I feel very bad whenever i see people who live for good course die untimely, and the ones who perpetrate evil, live longer. I have come to realize that it’s not how long we live that matters but how well we live our lives. For those who dine and wine in evil doings, living longer than those who do well, it’s an open cheque for you to rewrite the script of your life from doing evil to exhibiting and manifesting goodness.
It is really up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well. Rather than contributing to making this world a hell for ourselves, let’s decide today to make this place a heaven on earth and we will be happy and smile as we exit this world.

There is trouble and frustration in the air everywhere, this is a sign that we have neglected and deviated from the purpose and plans of God for us. Many have missed their path and are lost in this frustrated world, and they have nothing more to do than wonder about and just feeding on whatever meal life dish to them. You can trace your steps back today by simply believing in the promise of God for you and start to live according to His purpose and will for humanity. You are one of God’s sheep that has lose itself to the frustration of the world, His arm is still wide open to welcome you back to a world of peace and joy.

I know how it feels at times, when one feels so pushed to live life anyhow because you can’t seem to have a definition for what a good life should be like. There are times, when questions like ‘ Am i just that animal that sleeps and wake, fights for food on his table, find a shelter to live in and clothes to wear, maybe have children that will continue the cycle and wear away till i breath my last breathe?’ No, you are not because you are a super being that has a divine purpose and worthwhile mission to fulfill on earth.

Don’t be lost; don’t be pressed down by the frustrations of the world anymore because He that lives in you is greater than he that is in the world. You are more than blessed to overcome the frustrations of the world that already have its place in your life.
You are an over-comer!

God Loves ♥ You
Ogundipe Clement Shola

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