Monday 22 September 2014

Kindness: Best Portion Of Man’s Life

 Kindness: Best Portion Of Man’s Life

 “The best portion of a good man’s life. His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.”
---William Wordsworth

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.
---Dalai Lama

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
---Mark Twain

There is a special feeling that people experience when someone is kind to them or when they are kind to another person, it creates an atmosphere of love. Kindness is the glue that holds you and i in each other’s world. Kindness is the expectation of every man from our neighbor; it is the string that ties humanity. Kindness beautifies mankind.

It will surprise you to know that many people around you even those that are smiling and perceived to have a perfect good life have bleeding wounds in their life that only that expression of kindness from you can stop the bleeding and heal their wound, the heart of every living man cries for a touch of kindness. The best way to express love towards each other is kindness, a simple act of kindness may be insignificant to you but it is unforgettable for those you do it to. The best way to register yourself in the heart of any man is to be kind or cruel to them, kindness begets love as cruelty breeds hatred, whichever you choose to exhibit will determine how colorful and bright or how void and dark your life is.

Has it ever occurred to you that many good things that walk into your life are as a result of kindness from people in your life? Be it the person you know or the ones you have no idea of their existence, our continuity in life is fueled by the kindness of people that are connected to us far and wide. Human beings begins their experience of kindness from the day we are conceived by our mothers, kudos to the super women that are kind and brave enough to keep the baby in their womb for the period of 9 months or even more, goes through labor pains and delivers the baby, takes care of the child with the awesome father , both nurturing, guarding and guiding the child through childhood till he/she is strong enough to handle life, so many babies have been denied the chance to come to the world and contribute their quota to the betterment of mankind. We experience kindness from our siblings and friends, thumbs up to those who are kind and bold enough to adopt orphans to become one of their children or to even erase their own very childlessness. Kindness remains the sunshine that brings light to our lives since the beginning of our life on earth till we pass away.

Like it is always said that what goes around comes around, a show of kindness always have a lasting impact on our lives from generation to generations. Kindness often has a ripple effect because it generates magnetic force that attracts others to be kind to us too, kindness is not done for it to be repaid but the act has the potential to pull us into the web of love.
A little boy who was the last son of his father’s eight sons, always watch over the father’s sheep and goat protecting them from wild animals. A time came in his country when a strong giant that leads the army of the neighboring country starts to terrify the entire nation and blaspheme against the God they serve, this giant ‘a champion’ asked the king of this boy’s country to present someone to represent them and contend with him but everyone was afraid of this giant, this boy heard about it, took up courage and presented himself to fight for his country. Though everyone looked down on him but he was brave and went in the name of the living God he serves that the giant blasphemes against, he struck the giant dead and his country became victorious. The whole country praised him even over the king of the land, the palace of the king became his abode because of his triumph over the giant but the king became jealous of him and was after the boy’s life. The king’s son was at the time a good friend to the boy, he informed the boy of his father’s plots to kill the boy and helped him escape death. Many years after the death of the king and his son, the boy was already a great warrior and he became the king of their land. One day, he was in his chamber and remembered that the king’s son that saved his life had a son who was disabled; he is the only child that survived his friend that showed him kindness. He asked that they bring his friend’s son to him, he restored everything that the boy should be in control over to him from who has been in charge of it for years and also ate with him in his palace, all this good deeds the king did was to show gratitude for the kindness of his father towards him, the father saved him when the grandfather was after his life. We can see from this story that kindness may be little or insignificant to those who did it but they have a perpetual effect on our lives and even lives of people in life after us. Know this; your kindness today may be the only thing that saves your future.

The only language that everyone can easily understand is kindness, the blind sees it, the deaf hears it, the dumb speaks, it gives strength to the lame, it makes merry the heart of every sick and depressed and brings light to everyone’s life. Let’s wake up and live, cruelty is the enemy of our soul, the beauty of our lives lies in kindness towards each other. 

I can’t imagine how peaceful, blissful and joyful the life of man would be, if everyone can put kindness first in every action and reaction towards their neighbor. Who should show kindness first? It is you, don’t wait for anyone, you will be surprised that in a short time you will win more people to the train of kindness where love dominates, it takes you and i to start it. A show of kindness doesn’t have to be only things that cost you much; it starts from simple smile to your neighbor. You can be kind to your neighbor by saying they are beautiful, you can help them to adjust what they wear when it doesn’t look so good on them in a polite manner. When something falls from your neighbor pick it up if you could reach it first,  warn them of things you confirmed could harm or hurt them, give to those that are indeed in need not to those who already have what you want to give, help when you can, return to people things you found for them because even a pin you help regained could mean a lot, don’t lose the desire to be kind even your neighbor is cruel towards you or someone else, they are only ignorant of the consequences of their action.

Don’t forget the more kindness you display towards people in your world, the more beautiful your world becomes and the greater the abundance of love and bliss you will attract to yourself. Everything we do have its consequence, that’s why the kinder we become, the lighter our troubles and greater our joy become. Kindness remains the best portion of our lives, stay kind and your world would experience great fulfillment.

God Loves  You
Ogundipe Clement Shola

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