Sunday 3 August 2014

I Am Alive!

I Am Alive! 

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
---Psalm 150:6 (NIV) 

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
---Oprah Winfrey

And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.
---Abraham Lincoln

Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.
---Lucy Larcom

Congratulations to you, it’s a great privilege to be alive today. I want you to shout at the top of your voice to the universe ‘I am alive’. The universe recognizes your presence here but your shout out today to the universe is to pull the trigger that you are not just existing but living indeed.

I have tried to see the reason behind a very verse in Psalms that says ‘Let everything that has breath praise God’. It is a normal thing to kick hard against the statement, when we do not have a right understanding of the psalmist’s perception about life and the creator of the universe. The psalmist (King David) is a typical example of a man that had a good bite of hardship of life, rose from being the least to being the highest because he never dodged his challenges; he faced his fears, intimidations, confrontations and limitations till he acquired elevation and swam in jubilation. He is known to be a man of valor because he never bowed to oppression, he fought his battles till he became triumphant, and he never acclaimed to be perfect or blameless, he accepts his mistakes and shortcomings and moves on with life evolving everyday to be a brand new and better person. He blames no one for his troubles, he celebrates life at every chance of a new dawn and above all very grateful for everything because he recognizes the place and presence of the master of the universe in his small but powerful and amazing life, this is why God labeled him a man after His own heart. 

The psalmist understands that there is more to life than his immediate troubles and pain; he foresees that if he never gives up, goodness and fortunes awaits him. He has great trust in the creator of the universe that the script of his life is a tragedy turning comedy. Behold, everything that would make your life worthy of living is in surplus and abundantly available on this planet, you are alive, go ahead and claim it.

Are you still here? Yeah you are, because you are reading this now. You are alive; the greatest reason to believe that whatsoever thing that chooses to taunt you is only teasing you and has no power over you except you give in to its gimmick. Don’t worry, life is full of battle and tribulations but it is only a fence you need to jump over to land into bliss, happiness, success, peace and fulfillment.

My prayer is that you live all the days of your life in joy and great happiness even when you face the greatest trials of life. The memories of the past may linger in your brain and mind, yet let the dreams and visions of the future dominate it, live your life creating more opportunities for yourself rather than awaiting things to happen to you by chance, instead of thirsting for luck, keep working hard and smart, and more importantly keep a network of people with great minds around you.

The task of you and I is to reborn ourselves and to do everything we can to manifest our potential. This is the only way to prove you are really living. Stay alive; don’t die while you are still here gallivanting the earth.
Once again, let all your worries die away and stay glad that you are alive!

God Loves  You
Ogundipe Clement Shola

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