Sunday 20 April 2014

Here for a purpose!

Here for a purpose!

“We, human beings are not just anything that has weight and can occupy space from birth to death, but we are here to fulfill a mission, impacting the world (positively) and leaving our footprint on the sand of the Earth.”
--- Ogundipe Clement Shola

"Anyone that ever accomplished anything, did not know how they were going to do it. They only knew they were going to do it."
---Bob Proctor

This time of the year is a time, everyone around the world takes a little break from their daily activities, which is recognized by some people and celebrated by some people as the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christians confidently believe He is the savior of the world and people who practice other religion seem to see Him as a self-acclaimed Messiah. Looking into the account of Jesus Christ’s life, His birth was predicted many years before He was born, to be conceived of a virgin, to be of the tribe of Judah, King David’s seed, would be born in Bethlehem, would be a prophet, teach with parables, preceded by a messenger [John the Baptist], and enter Jerusalem on a colt never ridden, betrayed for 30 pieces of silver by one of His disciple, denied by one of His strong disciple, accused by false witnesses but He would remain silent before His accusers, He would be spit on, beaten ruthlessly and mocked, His hands and feet would be pierced. All these were predicted hundreds of years before His birth. It is also predicted that men would gamble for His clothing, He would intercede in prayers for His transgressors, would be crowned with thorns, He would be offered gall and water when He suffers thirst, He would cry, ‘My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me!’ (because He had the sin of the whole world on Him), He would be cut off in His prime, none of His bone would be broken, He would be executed with thieves, they would look upon Him whom they had pierced, He would be buried in a rich man’s tomb. He would resurrect from the dead, finally ascend to Heaven and He would send to the world a comforter till His second coming to reign on Earth. The book of Isaiah 9:6 (KJV) confirms this ‘For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace’.

As Jesus is the only begotten son of God and redeemed us with His blood to become heir to the throne of God (a throne of grace). The life of Jesus gives me a reason to think and to have a conviction that every human being were once existing in the spiritual realm (the Heavenly) before we came to the world, became worldly and corrupted. Take a look at the creation of man, it was accounted that God formed man out of the miry clay (the body), but stays lifeless until HE God, breath the breath of life into us and then we started to be. Without the breath of God in us, we would be useless and lifeless. I see the breath of God as that angel existing in heaven sent to the world to use the human body made out clay turned flesh as a house to be able to fit in to this world of immorality, to carry out the assignment given to Him/her by God of the whole universe, The physical man and the spiritual man is fitted into one entity that is called human being. Without any form of doubt, i want to say there is a spiritual force that lives, connects and influence everything. You can choose to believe or not, this force is a part of your life, all you need do is recognize it.

We are all on the surface of the Earth to fulfill a mission; we are not just here to occupy space but to accomplish a task. If you don’t ponder on things like these and you are caught up in the busyness and craziness of this world, then you will fail to align your physical and spiritual activities and will not dutifully see to your responsibilities and the realization of your goals on Earth. At a stage in your life, frustration may start to set in and you can’t find any meaning to life and that’s when you just say life goes on, i will remain here as long as I can’t exist any more. And every day when you are lucky to see a new dawn, you just rush out of the bed, run out of the house, try to cope with the events of the day, and return to your abode at the end of the day feeling empty, this is the cycle you subscribed to every day because you can’t find anything more fulfilling and meaningful than this. It is time to wake up from your illusion and get yourself back on the track and start to leave beyond the deception and craziness of this world, because you are here for greater impact on humanity and manifestation of the glory of God on earth.

One thing every man needs to understand is that we are not here on Earth like herds that are to graze on pasture to grow big till a time when they would be slaughtered. Our life is filled with purpose, mission, goals, and hopes of having an impact in the world and giving meaning to life. You are here for a purpose that is bigger, greater, and fulfilling than you are manifesting right now. The world needs someone like you, especially at this time to make a change in the corner of the world which you are strategically positioned. This generation needs you, and that’s why you just can’t afford to lose your goal in life or accept the shit life throws at you. This is the time you need to look inward and ask your inner man, what are the things that are greater and more fulfilling that the universe is calling me to accomplish? It is not something too hard to place your hand, just try and find your place in the world and what you need to do to bless mankind. The moment you are able to click on it, your life will turn around for the best.

Fulfilling our purpose in life, may seem like mission impossible, but most achievements in life always start with the will, desire and strong determination to make it happen, then forces of the universe eventually helps you see ways to get it done and supplies you with all the things it requires to make it a success. Remember always that you are here for a purpose and if you have not been able to know what your purpose here is, know that you are here and must live for something bigger, greater and more fulfilling than that you are living for right now. The mission of every man on Earth is to touch humanity, make the world a better place and be a blessing to mankind with the great gifts and potentials you have been blessed with by God.

I want to wish you (my dear friend) and your entire household a wonderful Easter! Remain blessed and be a blessing to humanity.

God Loves You
Ogundipe Clement Shola

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