Sunday 2 February 2014

You Are You!

You Are You!
"Don't be afraid to be unique or speak your mind, because that's what makes you different from everyone else."
---Dave Thomas

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
--- Steve Jobs

I have few simple but liberating questions for you today, if you are able to find a sincere answer to it, your life will start to experience immediate, positive and great change. Your life will take a new course and you will live to appreciate your life more.

My simple questions for you that you need to ask yourself now and every time and be really sincere with yourself are:  Who am I ? What makes me unique and different from others? Is it ideal for me to compare myself to others? How do I manage my feelings when I do, positively or negatively? Is there anyone exactly like me? If not, how do I use my uniqueness to stay relevant? If I do not celebrate myself, would anybody do?

It is really a sorry situation that most people stay obscure and live a life of unhappiness, when they are designed for great things and to have joy and unlimited happiness. Life is whatever name you give to it, and it will never disappoint you by answering to another name you never gave to it. Life is good when we call it good because that’s what it will display to you and if you call it bad or any ugly name, you will definitely have it displayed to you as bad.

Let’s consider these simple questions that I believe would liberate you from obscurity, depression, low-self esteem, self-destruct, in-appreciation for the life you have and YOU in particular. I see a super-YOU evolving after getting sincere answers to all of these questions and having a determined spirit to use these answer to re-invent you and claim the life you desire and deserve,  that you have for long refused, rejected and unwilling to claim because your eyes is so closed to your uniqueness, originality and outstanding identity, which if actively employed and developed could have taken you farther than where you are, make you bigger than you are now, and unleash the greatness in you beyond your imagination.

Who are you? You are a unique, special, original, distinct, peculiar, brilliant and exceptional being fashioned and designed by the omnipotent and omniscience creator of Heaven and Earth. This is why you have to appreciate yourself, your life and let nothing deprive you of it. It is very disheartening if you think less of yourself and allow people or situations dictate to you, how you should live your life. You must guard your life cautiously and keep away with all your strength any form of mess from having an entry.

What makes you unique and different from others? Your uniqueness start from noting that you speak, act, react, think, do, perceive, endure, forgive, love and so on differently compared to others wherever you go or find yourself on the surface of the earth. Understanding all these things, knowing and appreciating your gift, talents and other potential you have got to succeed distinctly from others is a good virtue to living a happy life. Other people may have like abilities and skills as you do but can never be perfectly as yours, there is always something positive and even negative about you that makes you standout, the positive you must feed and make robust, the negative you must starve to death. You are you and there is no other you before you or any other you after you!

Is it ideal that you compare yourself to others? To an extent it is good to compare yourself to others, if it is done to know where your own abilities, gift and skills can speak out, so that you can display your originality and exceptional identity. Situation where you compare yourself to others to bring yourself down, exhibiting low-self esteem, remain obscure, depressed and malfunction is totally not ideal for you. You must live celebrating your uniqueness, co-existing with others and occupying your position where you are best need, it is the key to a live of productivity and fulfillment.

How do you manage your feeling when you compare yourself to others, positively or negatively?  Sure, you must always be positive, always see a reason to be happy that you are just you and you can’t be the next person to you and the person can’t be you. The mistake we all make, is that, those people we admire, also have their short comes but not visible to us because they are managing it well or we just don’t pay attention to it and don’t forget that a lot of people admires you too but don’t know you do not appreciate what you have got. Wake up friend, it is time to value, appreciate and develop yourself more, that is all your life requires.

Is there anyone exactly like you? If I say there is no one like you my friend, it is not an overstatement, even your would be or children are totally different version of you and the other parent that created them biologically. You are Male or Female Peculiar!

How do you use your uniqueness to stay relevant? Your uniqueness ultimately makes you relevant; you just have to make the world see it, let the whole universe know you exist indeed. Get that ugly picture of yourself out of your mind and start to imagine a wonderful, blessed, rich, great, peaceful and happy you and live it!

If you do not celebrate yourself, would anyone do? No one would celebrate you until you celebrate yourself and make people see reason why they must do too. The world would carry you just the way you position yourself right before them. Celebrate yourself and the world would not hesitate to do the same.

Stay blessed and remain your unique you!

God Loves You
Ogundipe Clement Shola

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