Sunday 29 September 2013


"We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort."
-- Jesse Owens, Olympic Athlete

Most meaningful successes people have achieved on this planet where you and I happen to co-exist would have been aborted or become unrealizable before they became ripe and colorful for everyone to behold and tell of, if those who achieved them stopped by the way and never followed it through to the end to make sure they are fulfilled.

Staying Focus is what it takes to achieve what seems impossible and unrealizable, and to finish a journey that seems terribly painful to go on. No wonder Bob Proctor said "Be like a postage stamp. Stick to it until you get there"

Keep going even when it seems it’s a no go area, it’s just the way good things are; nothing good ever come easy. You've got to remember that if you don’t achieve that good thing you set your mind on to achieve, someway somehow some else will take it up from where you stopped and finish it and alas! The glory or the joy has been lost to another. But remember it is your goal; it’s your dream; it is your pursuit; it is your highly prioritized vision, don’t stop at anything to make it happen.

Give it your all, maybe all it requires is just one more step and just another step more; you can still make it happen with that little strength you’ve got left, that unrecognized skill and knowledge and probably even that simple word that you think if you say out wouldn’t make any difference, I bet with you, you will be shocked at the unexpected impact it will bring about.

“The nose of the bulldog is slanted backwards so he can continue to breathe without letting go.” – Winston Churchill

“Most people who fail in their dreams fail not from lack of ability but from lack of commitment.” – Zig Ziglar

In the pursuit of our goals, on daily basis we come to encounter things that we least expect to experience, encounter or confronted with, but you should always be prepared to face and overcome them all, no matter how they tend to piss you off or distract you from staying focus. Sometimes these challenges are not just there to toy with you neither do they present themselves to you so you could play hide and seek game together and just let you go afterward, to be frank with you they are there to knock you off your fit and your failure is their success; your stupid downfall is their victory and your pain is their gain.
It only require one thing from you to make the opposite happen which is your absolute desire (success and victory) and that very one thing is staying focus with all your arms on guard.

We all have goals, dreams, pursuit and vision. At first, they seems so colourful and beautiful, and we just say to ourselves I can make this happen and you say to everyone it’s my call, nothing can stop me from going for it and realizing it. Yes, you started with a burning desire and passion, and you keep firing and speeding on as long as it is still interesting because everything is still falling in place and all is going on fine for you as planned and expected but there comes a time when difficulty sets in and your wisdom has suddenly turn folly and you are left confused.

"Courage is like a muscle. We strengthen it with use."
-- Ruth Gordon, actress

The simple truth is that you can’t stop at this time, you've got to look beyond the interesting times and move on in this ‘all things fall apart’ time, stay committed and stay focused because the future is worth fighting for and the reason is that light will show forth after the dark and after the night, there is a new dawn. The future has a lot of goodies to offer you, stop at nothing to miss it.

The life you want is there for taking. It is up to you to put the steps into place and get the life you want that you truly want once and for all. Nobody can do it except you and you only. It may require that you change who you are deep on the inside but this is a positive change that can bring your best self out.

I want you to also make use of this tips from an excerpt from the 21 secrets of success written by The mind one digital team,

Focus of mind

You may have heard that a focused mind can lead to success but what does this mean? Well, specifically this means:

 1.    that you are able to concentrate on a task without having the mind wander from place to place
 2.    that you are not distracted by the things around you and can commit to performing the actions you needed to succeed.
 3.    that your thoughts become very centered, calm and collected. You only have right thoughts and this helps your creativity as well
 4.    that every day, you are making constant progress and thinking about your goals in a much more positive and optimistic way 
 5.    that you feel good inside, powerful and confident because you are getting on with the things you need to do.

According to Mike Ditka “Success is never permanent, and failure is never final.”   Nothing stays the same and just like the title of a book written by Robert H Schuller “Tough things never last but tough people do”.

You will overcome all your challenges, confrontations, trials, pains, defeats, rejection, persecution, criticism, failures, and whatever, just name it! If only you stay determined and stay focused in pursuit of your purpose and goals in Life.

God Loves  you
Ogundipe Clement Shola

         Refuse To Submit To Limitation. For more motivational write ups like this follow us on twitter and like our page on Facebook.

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