Sunday 2 March 2014

The Pain And Gain of Getting Better

The Pain And Gain of Getting Better
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
---Dale Carnegie

There is no failure except in no longer trying. There is no defeat except from within, no insurmountable barrier except our own inherent weakness of purpose.
---Elbert Hubbard

There is always room for advancement and being a better version of what you are right now, it only requires you to be open-minded, determined and ready to stretch and grow beyond your limitations. It is possible that you are already frustrated with the knowledge that you can always do or become better than you were because you feel tied, limited and can’t seem to get out of your comfort zone.

You have heard, read, and even discussed with people over and over again the need to always work to be better in not just one area of your life but in every ramifications of your life. And at times you just get confused and don’t know what else to do, because you are comfortable with whom you are now and don’t feel the need to stretch and be better. It is fun to just sleep, wake and just do whatever pleases you but life demand more from us, life needs us to grab our destiny in our hands and if we fail to do this, life will reshape our life into what we least imagine.

At a point in my life, i do feel, what is the point in struggling to be better, if all this would become meaningless someday when i am gone from the surface of the Earth, but, this thought were when i had shallow understanding about life. Life requires us to be better and make the world a better place before we leave and bid the world good bye. Our death someday, is a signal that someone great was here, contributed his/her quota to changing the world for better and left for others who are still alive to continue till their exits too. If we start to carry this believe we would do greater exploits and we would find it interesting to making the world better place because the world becomes a better place when we are better. A better you and I, a better world.

It takes pain to stretch to be better, but remember it always come with sweet gain. There is this special feeling of fulfillment when we endure and go through that pain of stretching and trying to be better than we were. You do have every reason to celebrate your state of becoming better, it is tough and challenging to leave one’s comfort zone but it pays afterward. It may take you to have sleepless night, cut down your fun time, spend more time alone, do more when you feel you don’t have strength to go on, settle your grudges with people and make more friends, study and learn more, spend more reasonable time with your loved ones even out of your strict schedule, pray more and draw nearer to God but you will be happy for it. 

You have more victories, joy, peace, fulfillment, success, abundance of wealth and a reason to celebrate the gains from your endured pains when you go just that extra mile and do the uncomfortable.

I hope you can fuel that desire to start to go through that pains of becoming a better YOU so that the gains that comes along with it becomes yours and you can feel fulfilled again and celebrate a better you over and over again.

Have a blessed week and bring out the best out of you always, it is possible even though it is painful but don’t forget it is gainful. You are a Miracle!

God Loves ♥ You
Ogundipe Clement Shola

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