Sunday 5 January 2014

Your life, Your responsibility!!!

Your life, Your responsibility!!!

”To achieve major success – You must assume 100% responsibility for your life.”

-Jack Canfield 

I like to welcome you again into this awesome year 2014, it has a lot in stock for you to attract and possess. The 365 days in this year are definitely arranged a day after the other for you to employ to your greatest possible advantage, you will be accountable for the outcome of every single day and the sum of whatever results you get from each day is what 2014 testimonial would be . It is a new beginning for me and you, and I believe you already began to make good use of the first few days of this year and if you are still relaxed, it is time to wake up, tighten your seatbelt and let’s fly.

Every day of this year and the opportunities in it, is saying to you now to write on the tablet of your heart and mind that “I have no excuse to waste the day and its opportunities because I have to maximally utilize opportunities presented to me at every tick of the clock”. I want you to always remember this, that the 60 seconds every minute, 60 minutes every hour, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year is all because of you to enjoy, explore, exploit, embrace and entertain goodness, greatness, glory, and good people. If you refuse to do this or do less expected of you, you should also be prepared for pain and poor state of life that comes with it but I know this is not yours because you will grab your destiny in your hand and make the best of  it.

Human beings are naturally active and give in their best to whatever task they are given to do when closely watched and supervised by someone or monitored by some kind of camera especially in this age where camera are positioned in every corner of work places. We do our best to satisfy our supervisor not because we really want to but because we know we would face some kind of punishment. The simple truth is that we only fool ourselves by keeping an attitude like this, because our joy abounds when we choose to do what we are supposed to do either supervised, monitored or not. I think it would be nice to inform you that the TIME is the supervisor and monitor, the Master of the Universe (God) has placed on Earth to appraise the works of our hand and give to us rewards according to how much we utilize our time. Think of it from today, that there is a camera monitoring your decisions, actions and attitudes towards the use of your time on daily basis, maybe this will keep you up on your feet and make you strive to possess your possession and live the life indeed, God has designed and prepared you for.

I am so sure that if you can see TIME as the supervisor or camera that has been positioned to monitor your activities; whatever you do, wherever you do it, however you do it and  whenever you it, some things would change about you. I believe you would begin to actualize every good idea that spring forth from your heart without delay, you would say No to those things that do not add any value and improvement to your life and finally, you will achieve great feats because you have chosen to be responsible for the outcome of your life and you would stop at nothing or let anything stop you from living a purpose-driven life which God desire of you.

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
-Napoleon Hill
Do not fear, 2014 is your year of unimaginable success, victory, blessings, breakthrough, joy, happiness, favour, grace and exceeding mercy. Just go in this your strength in the direction of your mind and keep your faith in God, you will rejoice and people will celebrate you!

You will have to set few important goals, work out plans to achieve them and stay committed and determined to see it through to the end until it becomes a reality. After they are achieved, continue with this strategy till the last day of the year. I bet it, you will be proud of your end of the year account statement.

It’s time you see yourself as the ‘Mr. Responsible’ for every outcome and results you get, your excuses are no longer relevant because it is only here to limit you. There is no force, human or whatever that can stop you from shinning bright like diamond this year except you stupidly allow them. You will excel because God has deposited the spirit of excellence in you.  Go and make it happen!!!

God Loves You
Ogundipe Clement Shola

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