Sunday 3 November 2013

Your Past: A Reason For A better Future

Your Past: A Reason For A better Future

We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here now with the power to shape your day and your future.
--- Steve Maraboli

From this moment, your life will be better than it has always been. Streams of great ideas will flow into your mind and ability to execute it will be bestowed upon you. If you will allow me to take a step with you looking into your future, i can see it becoming more colourful, beautiful, interesting, promising and filled with lots of happiness. We all have a choice to take decisions and actions that could change our lives either for better or worse. One thing i have learnt about life is that nothing is static; it would either become worse or better.  I am quite sure that life becoming better every now and then for you is what you dream of and desire, you want joy, peace, wealth, riches, blessings, promotion, successes, prosperity, sound health, happy marriage with adorable kids and long life to crown it all. You only want the best out of life. Yes! This is possible if you can cultivate the habit of believing that the best still exist for you to catch and you are always equipping yourself to be fit for this pursuit so that you can laugh last even when you might have gone through thick and thorns.

Many of us have been through tough times, turbulent times when no one is ready to rescue us, we even thought that was the end of life for us but some of us have also been able to pick ourself up and see in the right direction, hence we mine out of life the treasures that has been deposited in it for us that we fail to realize on time. I can hear you still say, you just don't understand, do you know that a lot of people deserted and reproached me? And that's why i can not stop beating myself. You just can't stop regretting your past and you kept on cursing yourself, whenever that gentle voice speaks to you and ask you why you are doing this to yourself? You are just too good at nagging, your harsh response is always 'why won't I?' If you will calm down, ask yourself what good has your regrets, beating, nagging and cursing done for you? It is capital NOTHING GOOD! but SOMETHING WORSE!

I like to tell you or remind you of something interesting about life, life doesn't care who you are or what stuff you are made off, it is going to kick you down and when you try to stand up, it is there waiting to kick you back to the ground. You may say life is so cruel! No, life is interesting, life is there to make you strong for greater battle so that you can always have flawless victory. When life knocks you down, you must get back to your feet and on and on. You must always stand up to get your own share of the goodies of life. Life is trying, never stop trying to get what is rightfully yours in this world having positive mindset and taking right steps and giving your best shot always to hit your goals in life. Hey! Pick yourself up, don't remain on the ground there rolling in the mud of life. What you want is out there, don't hold back, go get it! The best is yet to come to them that believe and ever working towards it.

"The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress and grow."
― Thomas Paine

Look up into the sky you will see that no matter how bright the sunshine’s there is still always a trace of the dark cloud, no matter how happy and joyful one's life is, there is still a time when you would experience things that would make you bitter. Life is designed this way so that we can cherish our good times and do all we can to regain it when bad times step in. You may even say i have neither experienced a good time nor been happy, i have to sincerely tell you this, that joy, happiness, success, wealth, prosperity, happy family and all you desire awaits you, if only you can wake up from your slumber, step out of that dark room where you have imprisoned yourself; be strong and stay determined; believe the best you have desired is still there for you to catch, reach for it and it is all yours.

I remember that when i was in elementary school, we had a sweet and inspiring song that we usually sing when we assemble before we go to our classes, this song always spring up in my mind when i have any difficulties and oppositions towards my goals. Even as simple as it is, it has always kept me going and i have never regretted i did. The song goes thus:

"Good Better Best, i shall never rest! Until my Good is Better and my Better Best"

This simple song echoes always in my mind, I hope you can tap into its power too.

According to Henry Ford he said and I quote "Whether you trust you are able to do a thing or not, you're right." If you believe a change for good, better and even the best lies solely on you, i challenge you to make it happen. You have to trust you can do it and God will definitely make it happen for you because you have chosen to live the life HE has long expected you to claim. It is my pleasure to tell you that you are responsible for everything that has happened to you till now and what would happen after now, that is why you have to carry your cross and definitely you will have your crown.

You are worried, you say to yourself that i have given all my best and still i have got nothing to show for it. Don't stop there! You have one more step to go and then you have it. Also know this, there is always one more step to go till you leave the surface of the earth as long as you yawn for the best but if you refuse to take that one more positive step towards your goals, you have just given a chance for the goals you have nurtured and worked on to start dying and you lose it all when your success is just around the corner.

Let me ask, have you heard of the Chinese bamboo tree which is planted, watered and fertilized, year in year out for four years without showing any visible signs of growth? This sounds crazy, yeah but it is a very good plant that shows man how to patiently nurture and work on their goals till it is realized no matter how long it takes even if it will take a life time. If you were a farmer cultivating the Chinese bamboo tree, would you not be tempted to abandon the plant and consider it a waste of time and efforts? But interestingly, during the fifth year, the plant suddenly shoots up and grows to be 90 feet tall in six weeks! You may have been struggling, striving and pushing to succeed in life without any sign of success but if there is hope for the Chinese bamboo tree then there is hope for you.

Before i say bye till next time, remember with God all things are possible and with Christ (Jesus) you can do all things! Hallelujah!!!

God Loves You
Ogundipe Clement Shola

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