Too much! Too less!
(A Call For Balance)
An excellent man,
like precious metal, is in every way invariable; A villain, like the beams of a
balance, is always varying, upwards and downwards.
---John Locke
Just as your car
runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the
wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts,
feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance.
---Brian Tracy
In the short but eventful time I have spent
on Earth, I realized the biggest challenge of man is maintaining balance in
every parts of their life. The situation has always been one side glowing and
the other side(s) stays dull, one part flourishing and the other part(s) is
suffering, and a substantial fraction of
our life flows and the other fraction(s) stay stagnant and it tend to die out
and stink. We may enjoy glory that comes from the successes of the areas of our
life that we give our energy to, but we should not forget the pain that comes
from failures we experience from the area of our life that we pay less
attention to.
To be financially secured, emotionally
buoyant, spiritually conscious, mentally sound, physically healthy, happily
married, morally excellent, having a good relationship with family and friends,
and many more, is very sweet thing to a man’s heart when all in all possessed.
I bet, this is the heart desire of every man, but people lose hope of having it
all, after been battered by the forces of life in their pursuit for all-round
happiness. The conclusion many jump to, is that, there is no one that can live
a perfectly balance life, yet, there are people who have been here, i mean they
came, they saw and they conquered, and there are still people who are enjoying
this balanced life now, though they might be few of the populations of the
I have read before that ‘Satan does not need
to deceive us, he just need to keep us busy’, we are all drowned in busyness,
only few have been able to keep their head up and swim out of this pool that wants
the ideal plan of God for man to be abolished. People are so busy using all
their energy to drive one particular area of their life to stardom and leaving
the other parts of their life to wallow in boredom. For many who forgets that
they are an amazing being, multi-existing in one entity, that requires to feed
every areas of their life and never starve any part, the crazy desire to be the
best in one thing, automatically makes them worst in other areas of life they
pay little or no attention to.
Too much, too less leads to the unwanted in
man’s life, that’s why a call for balance is drastically needed in your life
and our society at large. It is a good thing to use everything God gives you to
get to the peak of your career but should never involve doing immoral things,
it is important that you work hard and work smart to have food on your table
and other good basic things of life you desire because the saying that ‘there
is no food for a lazy man’ is no overstatement, yet, your work shouldn't be a
visa to breaking down your health, it’s also very important to keep network of
friends and colleagues in your field of career and in other things you do,
still, your family, most importantly your spouse and kids must be specially
given time to and catered for, it is very important to be mentally sound by
making sure you read so much to have a rich mind but it shouldn't deprive you
of enjoying life and having fun. The moment you begin to see yourself as a tree
with branches having leaves and the leaves must neither wither nor the branches
broken, that is the day you find true meaning to the life you are here for.
The moment your choices, values, decisions
and actions starts to give regard to every areas of your life, that is
beginning of your fulfillment, operation at peak performance and actualization
of the life indeed God designed for man. I have a short list of things that I
think every man should observe to have balanced fulfilling life, and they are
as below:
You can add to it, the pages are still blank
for you to enter every other ones that comes to your mind, I bet, if you can
try to take note of all these and do all you can to feed them all, you will be
happier than ever.
I believe you can claim a life that awaits
your acceptance, the life of all-round happiness and fulfillment. I see a better
you and a man that lives a balanced life. Stay positive and remain the master
of your situation, you are blessed!
God Loves ♥ You
Ogundipe Clement Shola
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