Sunday 24 August 2014

Playing Bigger : Prayer Plus Principle

      Playing Bigger : Prayer Plus Principles

I want you to imagine yourself playing bigger in life; this is not an illusion in anyway but the very reason for your appointment on the face of the earth. I have good news for you today; the capacity to play bigger has just been presented to you again because there are two powerful forces to be deposited into your life anew which are prayer and principles.

It is no longer news the way principles of success are peddled and the importance of prayer in our daily lives is been struck down.  It is evident that principles can take anyone very far in life and you can have great feat in whatever you pursue in life keeping to the right principles because principle is no respecter of any man or his background; it will only propel you towards the eminent path.

People who stick to principles only, have achieved success but would have experienced greater success, peace, ease and happiness with prayer.

The truth we can’t hide from is that prayer can bring about great manifestation but prayer with the exception of right principles is void.

The Earth is founded on principles and to exist here being in tune with what goes around and comes around, you must live a principled life to actualize success, don’t forget to achieve greatness with ease, happiness and all-round fulfillment it requires divine ability which is made possible through prayers. A constant communication with God, the mastermind behind Heaven and Earth makes readily available to us divine direction for a clearer vision with a purposeful movement towards an outstanding success in life. Frustration and confusion sets in when we are detached from our creator because this only make us walk out of his master plan for our lives. Everywhere you go, you will likely come across messages of stay positive, do all you can to achieve your goals, you can re-write the story of your life and move from pain to gain, shame to fame, poverty to riches, loneliness to happy married life yet all this can be tough to come by and if possibly realized can be short-lived if we lose our connection to the master of the universe (Jehovah) , i love this portion from the Psalms that says ‘only a fool says in his heart there is no God’.

To start to manifest in the world where you play bigger, you just have to subscribe to prayer on the right and principles of success on the left and bring them to the plate of your mind for a bigger picture of you to show forth.

Sunday 17 August 2014

The Purpose Of Life!

The Purpose Of Life!

The purpose of life for man is growth, just as the purpose of life for trees and plants is growth. Trees and plants grow automatically and along fixed lines; man can grow, as he will. Trees and plants can only develop certain possibilities and characteristics; man can develop any power, which is or has been shown by any person, anywhere. Nothing that is possible in spirit is impossible in flesh and blood. Nothing that man can think is impossible in action. Nothing that man can imagine is impossible of realization.
---Wallace D. Wattle

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I was checking for the meaning of life and one of its definitions caught my attention most, which simply states ‘life is a time for which something exist or function’. And i asked myself is man purpose here on the planet just about existence or to function? And that answer crept up my mind saying ‘we are not just here to exist for the sake of been distinguished from the dead but we are here to function according to the brilliant design of our awesome creator’. The amazing thing about man is that we’re designed having capacity to bring to concrete form whatever we picture in our mind, that is, you can become whoever you want to be or do whatever you want to do. Man possesses the potential to function in dynamic ways, but i like to remind you that the baseline of man functioning in an awesome manner is steady growth. To really live indeed, the focus of every man is to nourish his/her daily activities with a target of growth in all areas of his/her life.

The simple truth about life is that, man must grow or die out; only a man with an unsound mind will find no reason to grow because in growing we did find joy and happiness. It’s funny how bad we feel during adolescence when people of our peer group have some physical attribute we yearn for and it seems nature robbed us of it, this is the same kind of feeling you tend to have when you don’t maximize your potential in bringing the finest and best of yourself out in other areas of your life aside the physical. I have seen that very much later in life, your physique is not a limitation, limitations comes from not growing mentally, morally, and spiritually. When the purpose of life is still very much hidden from us, we cry about simple things about our appearance such as height, body shape and size, color and face. I laugh when a person depend solely on their beauty and handsomeness to be fit for life’s challenge and combat, no doubt your appearance is a plus but the world we are now is about people who keeps growing and goes on re-inventing themselves. I have seen men with beautiful faces bowing to men with just that face, who have their destiny in their hands and have built themselves mentally and spiritually, look out there you will see huge and hefty men protecting that man of little size who has worked painstakingly to create his own beautiful world, and yes, an African-American rose to the position of the number 1 man in the world presiding over a country which is a world power. Your physical appearance is not enough and is never a limitation, and your race is simply your baton because a bigger, greater, wiser, richer, stronger and better you are on the inside, you can make the world see it.

I like to recommend some movies to you; the names are ‘The Secret, Mr. Holland’s Opus and Lucy’, these movies would open your eyes to a lot of things that would turn your life around for better. The first two will make you understand that you can have everything you desire, understand the purpose of living and the potential to make yourself a success story lies in you, the latter touched topics on the capacity of the brain and how we fail to maximize its use, you can easily find the first two on YouTube. I mentioned these movies because they have had their impact on and in me, i do hope you experience that too.

Sunday 10 August 2014

The Intriguing Movie:Life!!!

The Intriguing Movie:Life!!!

“Life's like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending.”

Just like A good movie, your life can have – Spectacular Drama , Remarkable Story , Stupendous Achievements, Incredible Romance and an Amazing Ending – Make it an Unforgettable experience….
---Shobhana  Jain

“Don’t ever let someone tell you that you can’t do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. When people can’t do something themselves, they’re gonna tell you that you can’t do it. You want something go get it. Period.”
---Will Smith (The Pursuit of Happiness, film)

I want to say kudos to you for the relentless spirit you have carried until now doing your best to act out the script of the intriguing movie called ‘Life’ written, scripted, and directed brilliantly by the creator of the universe. We are all actors and actress in this so called movie, how well we do justice to the script will determine the standard of our livelihood, how happy we tend to be and how grateful we are to the supreme writer for giving us the chance to play a role in ‘Life’.

You may assume that if ‘Life’ is indeed a movie, then it is directionless but i want to wake you up to this reality if you are asleep that there is a foremost director which is God and He chose to exist in your mind to speak to you softly what steps and actions to take to make life interesting, failing to comply to His direction makes us fall out of the script messing an episode of a particular season but He is so merciful we don’t get fired because He believes in us that we have a potential to play out a good character and make life better and more interesting than it has been. Remember; when we don’t play our role well in life, our rewards will definitely be far below our desires.

The sweetest thing is that every new day is another wonderful episode for you to showcase your creativity and versatility to the world that you are a great actor in this movie called life as the master of the universe who believes in you smiles and bless you for a job well done phase after phase. The day i realized that every man is just consciously or unconsciously acting day after day and our actions and reactions in whatever situation sets the ground for what our future expectations could be, from then i learnt to accept and take responsibility for my actions and its consequences. I dare whatever i need to dare, i fight what should be fought, i cry and weep when i should, i smile and laugh when i wish even if my situations don’t permit it, i gather the courage to keep my head up even when my confrontations want to have me bow, i learn to be wise to stay submissive to powers i can’t do anything about, i determine not to get caught in the web of envy, dislike and animosity even when I perceive it from others towards me, i try to make my heart strong and  have a thick skin towards discouragement, reproach, condemnation and intimidation, i live my everyday by not trying to please anyone trying to balance my actions with their very thoughts but i take it as my responsibility to be  fair in my actions and reactions towards people I am connected to. The simple truth is you shouldn’t in any way apologize to people for having a high standards because people who indeed wants to be in your life will do all they can to meet them, don’t forget you can’t attract every man in the world, even if you are the world best and celebrated by many, there will be bunch of others who despise you.

Sunday 3 August 2014

I Am Alive!

I Am Alive! 

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
---Psalm 150:6 (NIV) 

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
---Oprah Winfrey

And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.
---Abraham Lincoln

Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.
---Lucy Larcom

Congratulations to you, it’s a great privilege to be alive today. I want you to shout at the top of your voice to the universe ‘I am alive’. The universe recognizes your presence here but your shout out today to the universe is to pull the trigger that you are not just existing but living indeed.

I have tried to see the reason behind a very verse in Psalms that says ‘Let everything that has breath praise God’. It is a normal thing to kick hard against the statement, when we do not have a right understanding of the psalmist’s perception about life and the creator of the universe. The psalmist (King David) is a typical example of a man that had a good bite of hardship of life, rose from being the least to being the highest because he never dodged his challenges; he faced his fears, intimidations, confrontations and limitations till he acquired elevation and swam in jubilation. He is known to be a man of valor because he never bowed to oppression, he fought his battles till he became triumphant, and he never acclaimed to be perfect or blameless, he accepts his mistakes and shortcomings and moves on with life evolving everyday to be a brand new and better person. He blames no one for his troubles, he celebrates life at every chance of a new dawn and above all very grateful for everything because he recognizes the place and presence of the master of the universe in his small but powerful and amazing life, this is why God labeled him a man after His own heart. 

The psalmist understands that there is more to life than his immediate troubles and pain; he foresees that if he never gives up, goodness and fortunes awaits him. He has great trust in the creator of the universe that the script of his life is a tragedy turning comedy. Behold, everything that would make your life worthy of living is in surplus and abundantly available on this planet, you are alive, go ahead and claim it.

Are you still here? Yeah you are, because you are reading this now. You are alive; the greatest reason to believe that whatsoever thing that chooses to taunt you is only teasing you and has no power over you except you give in to its gimmick. Don’t worry, life is full of battle and tribulations but it is only a fence you need to jump over to land into bliss, happiness, success, peace and fulfillment.

My prayer is that you live all the days of your life in joy and great happiness even when you face the greatest trials of life. The memories of the past may linger in your brain and mind, yet let the dreams and visions of the future dominate it, live your life creating more opportunities for yourself rather than awaiting things to happen to you by chance, instead of thirsting for luck, keep working hard and smart, and more importantly keep a network of people with great minds around you.

The task of you and I is to reborn ourselves and to do everything we can to manifest our potential. This is the only way to prove you are really living. Stay alive; don’t die while you are still here gallivanting the earth.
Once again, let all your worries die away and stay glad that you are alive!

God Loves  You
Ogundipe Clement Shola